Wednesday 5 November 2014

Injuries and the worry of being injured!

As I had spent the entire weekend moving house, I decided that yesterday, with me being off work to unpack, I would go for a run and attempt to increase my distance run.

It started off well, I was full of energy, bounding along the pavement. I had looked on Google maps before I set off, to see where I could extend to... all was well.

It got a little weird at the half way point. We have moved into the centre of town, the location used to mark the start of my return home. Now however, our new home is the start and finish, with our old home marking my half way point. When I got to the point that would usually indicate that I had about 5 minutes left to go, I started to feel tired. The only thing I can put this down to is that psychologically my brain decided I had finished, without actually discussing this with me... how rude!

I continued nonetheless, my aim was to do 12k, but by the time I got to 7k I started to feel some discomfort In my knee. This really concerned me because of a previous injury, which flared up during the Silverstone half marathon and meant that I could not walk properly, let alone run, for around 2 months!

I continued on my route, the discomfort appearing and disappearing, whilst my worry increased. I was getting close to a point in my run where I could either take one path which took me directly home, or take the path I was originally planning to, adding another 4k. 

All the time I was having an arguent with my inner voice. You know, that voice that tells you to skip the gym, the same voice that talks you into eating a full packet of biscuits and not just one! It was just as I reached the point of no return that I realised that just this once, the inner voice that normally gives me bad advice, was actually being the voice of reason.

I broke off and ran home. I completed 8.50k in total...

...and I think I made the right choice, my knee has not been great today so maybe I will spend the rest of this week doing low impact at the gym.

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