Friday, 26 December 2014

The early gift of running

Last weekend I returned to my homeland of Manchester, the land of the music and bonkers people! This was a well needed trip to see family and friends, most importantly my father before Christmas.

Dads generally being Dads, with mine, like many before him being no exception, has absolutely no idea as to what to get me for Christmas. So as always he gave me some pennies. 
Off I went to purchase the only want that I had in the whole world... a new pair of running trainers!

They are Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14. I have gone for Brooks for a while now, they are my new go to running shoe. A couple of years ago I was riddled with shin splints, it was constant and it was frustrating! I got my first pair of Brooks and I have not had shin splints since. 

These I love! I tend not to care so much about what my running trainers look like, I have over pronation so I go for support, but these do not look too bad. 
There are some hiddious looking trainers out there! My last pair were to commemorate the Olympics; full of union jacks (horrendous) but they were the best I tried on.

Anyway... the Adrenaline GTS 14's are a road running support shoe, which are prefect for the type of running I do. The fabric is a very lightweight, breathable mesh which will be fast drying and they have something called a caterpillar crash pad. The caterpillar crash pad helps to guide your foot from heal to toe in a rolling kind of motion, hence the term caterpillar. 
They also have Thermoplastic Urethane Arch Shanks; this is the bit which is important for me! Because I have over pronation, when my foot hits the floor my arches collapse. This grouping of words, which I can barely understand, is the thing which pushes my arches back up to straighten my foot whilst I run, leading to an injury free me! 
Lastly the cushioning; they contain Brooks DNA technology, which I find a little bit amazing! The cushioning contains a liquid gel. When you are running fast the gel hardens to give you more support, when you slow down the gel softens to conform to each stride. 
The bit which was most impressive though was the price! I went to Sweatshop, as I tend to do when I need new runners, and it would seem that they were having a pre Christmas sale... yay! My trainers should have been £110 however, I paid £55... amazing!

Getting 50% off my trainers meant that I could also purchase something for me, so I got this...

The soundtrack to Lawless on vinyl (or a record dependant on where you are reading from) and it's ace!

So thanks Dad for my Christmas present of the gift of running! I did not want anything else this year and this has made me a happy girl!

Laters people, me and my feet are off for a run!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Help! The motivation has disappeared!

I have a confession to make; since the Grim Challenge, just over a week ago, I have only ran twice. I am really struggling with my motivation and the worst thing is that I barely care. Normally if I am unable to go running I am an absolute nightmare, it's all I want to do and all I can think about. At the moment though this is the complete opposite and I don't know why, which is not good when training for a marathon! I did however drag myself out of bed this morning for a run and whilst running spent some time mulling the possible reasons over in my head...

Recovery from illness -
A few weeks ago I came down with a sinus infection, it really took me out, but being far too busy at work I was unable to take time out. I think this marked the start. Motivation once you have it is great, but it's easy to lose and although (so I have been told) it takes about two weeks to get it back, it's getting it back that's hard.

Stress -
I have had a lot going on recently. My place of work has lost it's contract and staff are getting anxious about the take over. As a manager you have to remain professional and supportive, even though you have your own concerns. I have had University every Saturday, which has taken it's toll, but luckily I had my last class this weekend and I have passed my course. In addition to this I am making steps towards a career change and this has been hard work too.

Just to busy -
Let's face it, it's the run up to Christmas, there is just too much going on to try to fit training in on top. This weekend, rather than do my weekend distance run, I went to Glasgow and that marked the end of a week which also included the staff night out. The weekend ahead will see a return to Manchester for me, in order to see family and friends. Then it's Christmas and spending quality time with the boy before he goes to Sweden!

The weather -
This is a big one, it's bloody cold outside! The last thing I want to do, when my motivation is already waining, is stick my little toes outside of the duvet!

Anyway... it's not all bad, I have had fun this week. Rather than just relay all the negative, I will fill you in on the positive too. This week I went to see the new Hunger Games film with a friend from work and went on the staff night out (although my secret Santa hasn't turned up yet). The staff night was a good laugh and I got to dress up, which is rare for me, I'm normally in work clothes or gym gear.

Then on Saturday night in Glasgow we went to see Machine Head at the Academy!!!

So, I probably shouldn't grumble too much, life is not all bad.

I just need to come up with a way to get me back on track with my running and escape my winter blues!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

We did it!

Yesterday was Grim Challenge day! I have to say that when I first peeped my head out from under the duvet this morning, it was cold, I was tired and we had an hour and 40 minute drive ahead of us; I cannot say I was feeling it at all. Despite this I got up and got the porridge on the go; porridge with blueberrys (or blueblees as Cali calls them) and honey. As the morning progressed I started to feel better so off we went to collect our friend Felix and get ourselves down to Aldershot. As luck would have it the sun started to peep out a little on the way down and the temperature turned out to be quite mild by the time we arrived.

...see, fresh as Daisy's! Obviously that is me on the left, Pete in the middle and Felix on the right.

It was a good run, my chest was awful though as I am still recovering from a sinus infection, couldn't stop coughing by the end of the race! 

Although, as I have just said, it was a good run. If you are experienced in doing bigger challenges then this one may be a little tame, I was expecting more, it certainly does not compare to Tough Mudder or marathon training. 

For Pete and Felix I think it was a great first challenge, they have never done one before and now they have dipped their toes in the water they just want to do bigger an better things. 

I reckon that out of 1361 runners, coming 663 ain't too bad, with a time of 01:24:47. Only just in the top half, but still there!

At the last water mass we had to wade through Pete felt the urge to dunk poor Felix into the water and then (in a massive loser way) we all crossed the finish line holding hands!

After the race, covered in mud and looking like we should be on a slab in the morgue, having dirt pulled from our hair and scrapped from under our fingernails, we went to Buddies dinner for Dr Pepper floats and celebratory junk food

I think that today will be a well deserved rest day, but I may have to make time to wash all of the dirt out of our running gear this evening, as last night I very much did not have the energy!

The official total for how much we raised for the People Like Me charity is not yet in, but it is certainly in the hundreds so this makes me happy!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Medals or t-shirts?

So... it's 2 sleeps until Grim Challenge!

I am feeling much better, still a bit chesty, but at least I am not running hot and cold whilst struggling to breathe. The down side to me getting ill a few weeks before the challenge is that inevitably I have passed this to Pete and he isn't as good at the moment, but he is man, he can handle it surely?!

I have to say that I got a little bit excited when these turned up...

I suppose it means that we are ready to go? Bring on Sunday!

I was however a little gutted to find out that we do not get a medal. I love medals, I have a big collection which I hang up. As this event is the first that my partner has entered too, it made it extra special and I certainly wanted one to commemorate the occasion. Apparently though, according to the organisers, most people hate medals and have said that they would prefer a t-shirt that they can use. Ok, I kind of get the being able to use it part, but if you use it, you probably cannot keep it. I don't know about you, but after a prolonged period of time wearing the same running gear, it gets to a point of no return, with the only place left to put it in the bin! Personally I think the organisers should give you a choice, t-shirt, or medal!

There is not much I can do about it now though, I must except what I do not have to power to change and just get on with it! On a positive note, it does mean that Pete will have to enter another event with me if he is to get his first medal.

In other news; it would appear that the people like me charity are close to reaching their £5,000 target to become registered... yay! Hopefully the sponsorship money that we collect for Grim with hit the target... that's when the real work can begin!

In an attempt to take my mind off wanting to run yesterday, I went out with Pete's Mama, Lucy and his Aunty Rose to a Christmas craft event, where I made a gift cookie jar...

and my own wreath. Well... I say a wreath, it's a star, which I prefer...

I suppose that my next post will inform all about Grim... watch this space!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

It's all come to a sudden halt, but there is a deadline looming

Sorry for the lack of interaction on the fitness front, it turns out that I am actually quite unwell. Although I am starting to feel a little better, I still have a weazey chest and am coughing up a lot of horribleness... nice! There is a possibility that a visit to the doctors is a must as I may have a chest infection.

I did attempt the gym the other morning, but only managed half hour and now my body is aching more than ever... which just is not normal for me, I am certainly struggling to repair. The problem is that my first event for the People Like Me charity is less than 2 weeks away!

In addition to this the temperature has dropped. I woke up this morning to temperatures of -2 and the first thing that came to mind was the icy water of the Grim Challenge. 

That in all honesty is the thing which I am looking forward to the least. I have ran further than 8 miles in the past so the distance does not bother me. I have had to crawl through mud in the past, this again does not bother me. Plunging into ice cold water on a December morning... bhah! 

I suppose that if I can take on the challenge of the dreaded Arctic Enema of Tough Mudder fame, then this should be a doddle?! 

Either way it is the thing that I am currently not raving about and have my fingers crossed that I do not end up in hospital with both a severe chest infection and hyperthermia!

In my attempt to shrug this off, I have purchased Guardians of the Galaxy to cheer myself up and I will be wrapped in the comforting, healing arms of my boy, whilst eating my favourite snack of Marmite on bagels.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Lots of things are happening today... but I am full of a cold!!

First of all I would like to share some exciting news, which has absolutely nothing to do with me running, but has cheered me up no end today! We (that's me and the boy) are going to Download! The line up is by no means as good as Sonisphere last year, and I have to admit that I do not really get KISS so not really too bothered about the Sunday headliner, and I'm not a Manson fan... but I have festival fever! Yes, it's probably stupid. Yes, I don't think I can really afford our tickets... but Download here we come!!

Anyway... on to some real stuff! The People Like Me charity, the charity for which all of this running is in aid of, are having another fundraiser today. It is a Christmas Fair at the Green Room in Brackley and Pete's mum Lucy and his Aunty Rose have a lot of handmade Christmas cards to sell! It starts at 7pm I believe, so if you want some Christmas ideas then get yourselves down to help a good cause!

There has been more of the running this week, just a short run on Tuesday evening, following the long run we did on Sun. Yes, that's right, I did say 'we'. I think that Pete may very well have caught the running bug!

There was meant to be running last night too, but disaster struck! Pete has been over doing it at work, pushing himself too far like he usually does and his shoulder is playing up again. I cannot wait for him to have his operation so he can be back to his usual self. 

In addition to this I am full of a bloody cold! I hate having colds, I refer to mine as a rare strain of man flu, which has mutated to attack women! This gets argued against by the men who want to hold on to their man flu crown, but I tell you, I am a nightmare when I have a cold.

I am a little annoyed too as I am meant to be swimming again tonight, I have missed the last 2 weeks because of the trains and I don't want to miss another. I have brought my swimming things to work, just in case I have a miraculous recovery this evening... here's hoping eh?

Monday, 17 November 2014

All set for the Grim Challenge!

As we are only 20 sleeps away from the Grim Challenge, I gave out a personal challenge to Pete yesterday to get his 8 miles under his belt.

I have to say that I wasn't expecting him to complete, I had told him he could drop off at any point, but... the boy has bloody done good! I am so proud of him for pushing though and achieving the 8 miles!

At the half way point the battery on his phone died, I know how difficult it is to push on without music to give you motivation. So... after a couple of minutes of arguing whilst running, with me thrusting my phone in his hand, he finally agreed to take it. It seems like it did the trick, he even managed a sprint finish, leaving me behind (very unsportsmanlike, but I'll let him off as he is massively competitive and I don't really mind)

Anyway... this post is for my gorgeous boy Pete, keep it up, you're doing me proud!

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Back in the swing of things!

Following the disappointment of last week, with my knee flaring up, I am back on track!

The main aim of this week was to do strengthening excercises at the gym, as this is something which I have been neglecting, no wonder I ended up injured! The gym isn't much fun, but it is essential to build up strength to become a better runner.

What makes it harder is that I miss my old gym in Manchester and the friends I made there. I have found it hard to settle into a new gym down here. I did find one that I liked in Oxford, but since moving to Banbury it's slim pickings! There is Banatines (or whatever it is called) but in my opinion, any gym that has somewhere to 'lunch', you are able to 'sit' by the pool and has actual spa staff, is not a gym at all! I like a sweaty gym, with circuit training. If I want to do a Zumba class I'll get myself to a community centre!

I have opted, for the time being, for the leisure centre, due to my swimming lessons, it's still not what I am looking for in a gym, but it will do.

There is an alternative, there is a boxing gym and I am looking to join there in the new year so I can take boxing classes, but that will come later.

I have also been on two runs this week. The first one I did with Pete and kept the pace slow through fear of injury...

The second run was this morning and although I did not feel that I was running any different than my usual pace, I was seemingly on fire...

There will be swimming tonight after work and hopefully another run in the morning, but for now it's time to get myself together, get on the train and spend a day in the office!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Feeling lost and lazy!

This weekend as been a tough weekend of no scheduled excercise. This has been in order to rest my leg so that a minor injury to my LT Band does not become something more chronic.

The funny thing is that because I fill my weeks with so much running and excercise, when it comes to a time of rest I generally don't know what to do with myself?! 

As I have no excercise schedule, no running mishaps to report, I will fill you in on what I did do this weekend...

Luckily for me some friends were off out in London on Saturday night so we joined them for a night at Hydra. 

It turns out that it was a tough old day! I was up at 5am to get ready for and get to University. I spent 8 Hours at University, which for me currently is in Coventry. I then had to get the train home, do a quick change, then figure out how to get to the capital.

Interestingly my friends, in true Northern style, felt that because I am living south of Manchester, that I must be close to London. This could not be further from the truth!

The cheapest option for us was to get the train to Oxford (this takes 20mins) then jump on the 24 hour Oxford tube bus to London (this takes almost 2hrs) but is only £15 each for a return ticket. We made it into the capital for 10pm, then had to figure out where on earth we were and what line on the tube we needed, to get wherever it was we need to be?! 

It's a good job I had the boy with me, he knows his way round better than me. If I am honest I try to avoid having to go to London, I have only ever had negative experiences of rude, pushy people. Pete reckons that he will change my mind about the place and keeps promising to show me the sights.

After meeting friends at a place called the Somerstown Coffee House close to Camden, we all jumped in a cab to the Tobacco Docks.

It was a great night! I have to be honest, I have been really missing my friends from up North so it was really lovely to see them. I have not done a club night in a long time either, think I might be getting too old to be out all night these days (haha!)

We spent 5hrs dancing!! I suppose that kind of means that my weekend of no exercise became a dance-a-thon! It didn't end there either! As we had chosen to take the tube bus, we needed to get back to Victoria Station in order to get home. This was over an hours walk because the underground was closed at 5:30am!

It was a nice thing however, this Sunday morning just so happened to be Rememberance Sunday and we had to walk past the Tower of London; we got to see a beautiful site, so early in the morning and with hardly any tourists around.

This is 888,246 ceramic poppies,that have been placed in the ground, all around the tower to remember our fallen heroes... it was breath taking!

Also along our route we saw Nelsons Column, the memorial for the great fire of London and Buckingham Palace. Now, considering that I have never seen Buckingham Palace before, you would expect that I would have stopped and had a tourist moment... no! At that point I had been walking for an hour, after dancing for 5 hours... I could not have cared less, I wanted to go home!

My feelings around this made me a little sad, so the boy and I have decided to go back and do it properly next time and because the thing that puts me off going into the capital is tourists and being pushed about, we are going to do it in the early hours, on bikes, with a packed supper and a flask of hot tea! Might even hire some 'Boris' bikes eh? Be proper tourists like!

Friday, 7 November 2014

Iliotibial Band Syndrome and it's wicked ways!

On Tuesday I posted about my reoccurring knee pain. It turns out that the most likely diagnosis is that I have ITBS, Iliotibial Band Syndrome. On a positive note, I started my training early and this extra time in my training schedule means that I can make allowances for injury. I want to train hard, but I also want to train right.

So... what is ITBS?

The iliotibial band is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh, from the hip to the shin. ITBS occurs when this becomes inflamed, the symptoms being pain from the side and back of the knee as opposed to the front... front knee pain would indicate a very different problem.

It would seem that I was right in my judgement on Tuesday to stop running and rest immediately... it's not like me to be right, but every blue moon a miracle takes place!

I have rested completely for the remainder of this week and as any runner will tell you, from a wellbeing perspective, this is not an easy thing! All I want to do is reach for my runners and get pavement pounding... but I am grounded!

I only have myself to blame, I will admit that at the gym I have been concentrating more on upperbody and core, as opposed to strengthening my legs and all the guidance I have seen on ITBS states that it is about strengthening, not stretching! Therefore, next week I will be taking it easy, lower pace and shorter distance runs, combined with leg strengthening at the gym.

Apparently swimming will also do it some good and I was meant to be swimming last night, but the person who drove their vehicle into a bridge had alternative ideas! My train was delayed and the local train takes far too long, meaning that I did not get home in time and missed my swimming lesson... rubbish!

There are other suggestions for things that I can be doing. A big issue is my runners! I am well aware that I need new trainers, I have over pronation because of my flat feet, they are like camel feet, they just spread when I put them on the floor, no doubt I belong in the desert! I know that I need trainers that support me in the right way, but to be honest, with everything that has been going on, it's an expense that I can do without. Papa Hamer said that he would get me some for Crimble, but it looks like they may have to come sooner rather than later and well... that's just the way things are!

Another suggestion is to run on the flat Tarmac of the road as opposed to the concrete, uneven pavement. Hmmm... I may have a chance of this on my early morning runs, wearing hi-vis gear, but I live in a busy town, running in the road my not be the best option all the time, but I will give it a go.

As always I will keep updating on my progress. If anyone has any advice, experience, etc... please share, I could do with the running support.

Until then I hope dancing helps, as I am off to the big smoke (London) tomorrow night to do exactly that!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Injuries and the worry of being injured!

As I had spent the entire weekend moving house, I decided that yesterday, with me being off work to unpack, I would go for a run and attempt to increase my distance run.

It started off well, I was full of energy, bounding along the pavement. I had looked on Google maps before I set off, to see where I could extend to... all was well.

It got a little weird at the half way point. We have moved into the centre of town, the location used to mark the start of my return home. Now however, our new home is the start and finish, with our old home marking my half way point. When I got to the point that would usually indicate that I had about 5 minutes left to go, I started to feel tired. The only thing I can put this down to is that psychologically my brain decided I had finished, without actually discussing this with me... how rude!

I continued nonetheless, my aim was to do 12k, but by the time I got to 7k I started to feel some discomfort In my knee. This really concerned me because of a previous injury, which flared up during the Silverstone half marathon and meant that I could not walk properly, let alone run, for around 2 months!

I continued on my route, the discomfort appearing and disappearing, whilst my worry increased. I was getting close to a point in my run where I could either take one path which took me directly home, or take the path I was originally planning to, adding another 4k. 

All the time I was having an arguent with my inner voice. You know, that voice that tells you to skip the gym, the same voice that talks you into eating a full packet of biscuits and not just one! It was just as I reached the point of no return that I realised that just this once, the inner voice that normally gives me bad advice, was actually being the voice of reason.

I broke off and ran home. I completed 8.50k in total...

...and I think I made the right choice, my knee has not been great today so maybe I will spend the rest of this week doing low impact at the gym.

Monday, 3 November 2014

To much to do, not enough time to do it!

This weekend has been chaotic, but we have survived it! It has meant that there has been no training though so today is all about the things that get in the way of training... well, I say 'get in the way', it was ALL worth it. 

As Friday was Halloween, I think I should start there. The local folk had gone all out this year and there seemed to be some kind of Pumpkin-off going on. Here are just a few of what we saw...

My boy has a daughter called Cali, I'm not quite sure if I have made reference to her before?! She has not long since turned 3 and is so much like her father it is frightening! In addition to being very much like him, she also absolutely adores him and never wants to be far from him, she is very much about Daddy.

We decided to take Cali Trick or Treating as this is probably the first year that she has any idea what's going on. She was dressed as a tiny witch and all the houses we went to thought she was that cute they gave her extra sweeties. This of course meant more to share with me and Daddy... she's 3yrs old, she is most certainly not allowed all those sweeties!

We were teaching her all the rights and wrongs about Trick or Treating. Unlike the other children, who were knocking on every door, we taught Cali that you should only knock on doors that are advertising Halloween. This turned into a game itself, where it was who could spot the pumpkin in the window. She had an awesome time and was very well behaved. She came out with the best comment of the night which was, 'Daddy you are so big! You are bigger than all of the houses and the sky!' I suppose from her perspective, being low down, this was probably true!

The next day I had to be up early for my 9 hour stretch at University. It was a good day in all, we were learning about providing support to witnesses and victims and I got 100% on my resit... I'd actually found time to revise this time! I was however on edge all day as I knew that Pete had gone to pick up the keys to our new flat... I was far too excited to concentrate!

I did feel a bit guilty, as the boy was having to load up all our things ready to deliver to the new place in the morning and I was unable to help. Cali managed to find a little friend of mine, who I thought I had lost when everything went into storage last time!

Luckily for me it wasn't a heavy day at University and we got through the material quick, which meant I got to get away early. Unfortunately Pete was taking Cali home by the time my train got in, but it was all good, it meant I got to sit and have a coffee whilst I waited.

This brings me to yesterday... the big move! As we have moved right into the town centre, we had to make sure we got up early so we could park the van in the pedestrianised zone, before the pedestrians actually turned up to go shopping!

We were 4 strong, Me, the boy, his dad (Jon) and brother (Nicolas) and as it was a 'workmans' day, I got them all McDonalds for breakfast. Shhh... I know this is bad! As you can see, Jon was not happy about having his photo taken for the blog...

At least we are in though, finally a space of our own, where there can be quite time and organisation. Well, there will be organisation, as soon as we sort this lot out!

...but is ok as I have today and tomorrow off work to sort my life out and get running, with a run scheduled in for today!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Halloween Fundraiser!

Morning readers! 

Today has given me another chance to discuss the People Like Me charity. For Halloween there will be a themed coffee morning... well, I say morning, it's actually 2-5, but then I suppose that would be morning for some... who knows?! 

Anyway... there will be cakes, face painting and other activities. If you are looking for Halloween fun with the wee ones today, then get yourselves to The Green Room in Brackley. 

I'd be there but I gots to work... rubbish!!

I went for a run last night with Pete, trying to get ourselves ready for the Grim Challenge on the 7th December

It was a good run, think Pete felt more comfortable with it, he now has a support for his shoulder, I think it helps. Next week I am going to push him to run further as there is only approximately 5 weeks until the race.

When we got back, Pete got on the phone to Steph (from People Like Me) to discuss promotional t-shirts for raising awareness and sponsor forms, in addition to discussing a sofa bed... but that's a different story. 

I feel that this weekend may be a little chaotic! We have mini Pete this evening for Halloween fun, I'm in Uni tomorrow and we move house on Sunday... it just never stops! At least I am off work on Monday and Tuesday... result!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

A change of plan is needed!

After my training last week, I have come to the realisation that I need a slight alteration. Historically I have done my big run on a Saturday, this is mainly due to the fact that, like most people, I do not want to do anything on a Sunday. As mentioned earlier, I am at University every Saturday until 13th December, this means that for the moment I have absolutely no choice but to run on a Sunday... whah!

I was, up until this week, doing my big run on a Sunday and then doing a 5k on a Monday morning, followed by a session in the gym Monday evening... I now see that this is absolutely ridiculous! 

This week the plan has changed. I did my big run on Sunday as usual (see previous post) then took Monday off to rest. I then went for my short run yesterday...

Much better! I was feeling very sluggish on Monday mornings, my legs were tired and achy, and it had a knock on effect on my energy for the rest of the week. I will continue with this pattern until I finish Uni and can start training on a Saturday again.

I went to the gym yesterday, so I best share that with you too! First of all, here is me at the gym... just for evidence sake, it's a gym selfie.

It was upper body yesterday so I started off on a cardio machine that I have absolutely no idea what it is called... I shall call it 'the rotatey army thingy-me-bob!'

From this I went on to the rower, for extra arm cardio...

I did 5 minutes on each, so 10 minutes arm cardio in total; as I had ran in the morning I didn't need to do much cardio at all.
After my stretch out I decided that, rather than using the resistance machines, I would use free weights to do a mixture of chest, back, shoulder, bicep and tricep excercises. 

I then followed this with some core, as I always finish with core. There were; weighted sit ups...

crunches, Russian twists, planks, leg raises and side planks, all mixed together!

To end the evening, I met my boy and off we went round to Mike and Allies house for a beautiful meal and time spent with friends. There should have been desert, but Pete left this at home... doh! It's probably a good thing though, I know I am burning more at the moment, but that is no excuse to eat rubbish!