Dads generally being Dads, with mine, like many before him being no exception, has absolutely no idea as to what to get me for Christmas. So as always he gave me some pennies.
Off I went to purchase the only want that I had in the whole world... a new pair of running trainers!
They are Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14. I have gone for Brooks for a while now, they are my new go to running shoe. A couple of years ago I was riddled with shin splints, it was constant and it was frustrating! I got my first pair of Brooks and I have not had shin splints since.
These I love! I tend not to care so much about what my running trainers look like, I have over pronation so I go for support, but these do not look too bad.
There are some hiddious looking trainers out there! My last pair were to commemorate the Olympics; full of union jacks (horrendous) but they were the best I tried on.
Anyway... the Adrenaline GTS 14's are a road running support shoe, which are prefect for the type of running I do. The fabric is a very lightweight, breathable mesh which will be fast drying and they have something called a caterpillar crash pad. The caterpillar crash pad helps to guide your foot from heal to toe in a rolling kind of motion, hence the term caterpillar.
They also have Thermoplastic Urethane Arch Shanks; this is the bit which is important for me! Because I have over pronation, when my foot hits the floor my arches collapse. This grouping of words, which I can barely understand, is the thing which pushes my arches back up to straighten my foot whilst I run, leading to an injury free me!
Lastly the cushioning; they contain Brooks DNA technology, which I find a little bit amazing! The cushioning contains a liquid gel. When you are running fast the gel hardens to give you more support, when you slow down the gel softens to conform to each stride.
The bit which was most impressive though was the price! I went to Sweatshop, as I tend to do when I need new runners, and it would seem that they were having a pre Christmas sale... yay! My trainers should have been £110 however, I paid £55... amazing!
Getting 50% off my trainers meant that I could also purchase something for me, so I got this...
The soundtrack to Lawless on vinyl (or a record dependant on where you are reading from) and it's ace!
So thanks Dad for my Christmas present of the gift of running! I did not want anything else this year and this has made me a happy girl!
Laters people, me and my feet are off for a run!
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