Friday, 7 November 2014

Iliotibial Band Syndrome and it's wicked ways!

On Tuesday I posted about my reoccurring knee pain. It turns out that the most likely diagnosis is that I have ITBS, Iliotibial Band Syndrome. On a positive note, I started my training early and this extra time in my training schedule means that I can make allowances for injury. I want to train hard, but I also want to train right.

So... what is ITBS?

The iliotibial band is the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh, from the hip to the shin. ITBS occurs when this becomes inflamed, the symptoms being pain from the side and back of the knee as opposed to the front... front knee pain would indicate a very different problem.

It would seem that I was right in my judgement on Tuesday to stop running and rest immediately... it's not like me to be right, but every blue moon a miracle takes place!

I have rested completely for the remainder of this week and as any runner will tell you, from a wellbeing perspective, this is not an easy thing! All I want to do is reach for my runners and get pavement pounding... but I am grounded!

I only have myself to blame, I will admit that at the gym I have been concentrating more on upperbody and core, as opposed to strengthening my legs and all the guidance I have seen on ITBS states that it is about strengthening, not stretching! Therefore, next week I will be taking it easy, lower pace and shorter distance runs, combined with leg strengthening at the gym.

Apparently swimming will also do it some good and I was meant to be swimming last night, but the person who drove their vehicle into a bridge had alternative ideas! My train was delayed and the local train takes far too long, meaning that I did not get home in time and missed my swimming lesson... rubbish!

There are other suggestions for things that I can be doing. A big issue is my runners! I am well aware that I need new trainers, I have over pronation because of my flat feet, they are like camel feet, they just spread when I put them on the floor, no doubt I belong in the desert! I know that I need trainers that support me in the right way, but to be honest, with everything that has been going on, it's an expense that I can do without. Papa Hamer said that he would get me some for Crimble, but it looks like they may have to come sooner rather than later and well... that's just the way things are!

Another suggestion is to run on the flat Tarmac of the road as opposed to the concrete, uneven pavement. Hmmm... I may have a chance of this on my early morning runs, wearing hi-vis gear, but I live in a busy town, running in the road my not be the best option all the time, but I will give it a go.

As always I will keep updating on my progress. If anyone has any advice, experience, etc... please share, I could do with the running support.

Until then I hope dancing helps, as I am off to the big smoke (London) tomorrow night to do exactly that!

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