Monday, 20 October 2014

It's all in the music!

Following my week of reduced motivation I went for a run yesterday... and this morning!

As I have explained earlier, I don't really have settled accommodation at the moment. In fact, I have moved home 4 times since January and this has led to disorganisation, which just does not work for me. I got a new iPhone a couple of months ago, but I had yet to put any music onto it, so Sunday, before my run, I sorted this out. I added the playlist which I put together for the Silverstone half marathon, I thought memories might spur me on. Turns out that it wasn't the memories of running, but actually the memories of being at the Sonisphere festival this year that got me bouncing along.

I did just under 10k, I'm not that impressed with the time, I have completed a 10k in 45 minutes before today, but I was running through town and there were a few points where I was having to run on the spot due to waiting for the lights to change... this is my excuse and I am sticking to it!

I do feel that there are some songs which may need deleting from my playlist. Alice in Chains slowed me down a little, and strangly enough I had a stitch the whole way through that one! Then ACDC came on and miraculously the stitch vanished! When Iron Maiden came on next there was no stopping me, mentally I was bouncing as I was pounding the pavement, being thrown back to festival memories of quite possibly one of the best performances I have ever seen!

and an amazing weekend spent with the boy, celebrating his 30th birthday!

This mornings run was a tough one, considering the run I did yesterday, but I am glad that I muddled through the 04:00 get up! Here are this mornings results...

Best pace myself for the rest of the day, I have the gym and an upper body workout planned for this evening... cannot wait!

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